It’s time for a newTOOD!

Welcome to newTOOD!  We invite you to help us change the way the world sees plant-based wellness.

What exactly is plant-based wellness? It is all about leveraging the power of nature through cannabis, CBD and other natural botanicals.  Our goal is to help you live your best life by reducing stress, anxiety, pain, inflammation and a better night’s sleep.

This can be a new way of thinking for some and whether you can call it a revolution, movement or evolution…it’s here to stay.

What matters most is we need your help. Why?  Because big business would like you to believe that unless it’s patented by them, it can’t be true.

We know that living amongst us are critics, supporters and true believers.  Thats why we started newTOOD, to give you a voice and it’s ok if your voice disagrees with ours. 

We welcome everyone to join the discussion and we promise to never censor the discussion, (unless your intent is to hurt others).

It is time for a newTOOD, share your voice and be heard.

Contact Us

We welcome your questions and promise never to judge😀